Saturday, December 8, 2012

Important Keywords Tips to Boost Your On-Page Optimisation

The domain name is the foundation to what you are trying to build with your online presence. Your domain can be a great asset to your business particularly if it is SEO-friendly. If you choose the right name for your website, you can get faster ranking in less time and with less effort.

Having your own domain name also makes your company look more professional. There are many sites that let you host your web site for free, however your URL will include their domain with your site as either a sub domain or sub folder. This does not appear professional and will not inspire confidence in your customer like having your own custom domain will.

It can be very important to have your theme keyword or key phrase that you are trying to target in your domain name. This is one keyword tip that the search engines consider when ranking your website.

For example - actually ranks higher then Visa and American Express.

While many sites are found initially through search engines, many sites are found through direct navigation. Therefore, it can be important to have your company name in your domain.

This can allow a visitor to remember your name and go directly to your website in the future, instead of searching through a search engine. If a potential customer has more steps to follow the less likely you will be found and the more likely that they will find a competitor.

Other tips when choosing a domain: - Avoid relying on capital letters, domains are not case sensitive and capital letters are wasted - Avoid intentionally misspelled words - Avoid hyphens and dashes - Avoid names that are too long - Keep it very easy to spell - Don't use numbers to replace words, as this will only confuse anyone trying to find your site.

Domain name competition is high, so it is worthwhile buying the name you want as soon as possible, even if you don't plan to launch a website until later down the track. There are many domain search tools to check yours is available.

Domain name checking tools number in the thousands, however most offer similar functionality. Most tools available online today allow you to find out if a domain is available while you type. This means that you can research your targeted niche while checking for domain availability. This is quite a powerful tool and can be quite effective in saving you time and therefore is a strongly recommended keyword research tip.

How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   

Maximizing the Full Potential of a Whois Database

Whois is a server or client system used to find names, addresses and owners of websites. Every address found on the Internet has a registered owner. That owner could be an organization or individual. Server computers have their owners too. A whois database is used to track these owners. For any IP address you can get information such as name of owner and the telephone number, registration date, other Internet addresses owned by that party and DNS servers in that IP address range. The same case applies to newly registered domains.

In order for you to get desired results, you must quote the name of the site correctly. People need such information for different reasons. To understand the concept, consider the official yellow pages. In it are listings of all businesses in an area. The list includes telephone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses and street names. In this case the whois database serves as the yellow pages directory. When you want to register a website, you want to ensure that the name you have chosen is not being used by another person. That is why you must check thoroughly all old and newly registered domains.

The whois database stems from the need for interested parties to have access to IP address information and domain name owners. The information contained therein assists law enforcement agencies carry out investigations on criminal activities being carried out online. Good examples may include money laundering and leakage of confidential information. Newly registered domains are added to the database as and when they arise. This information also helps in combating any abuses on information communication technology, assisting governments or businesses to combat online fraud.

Hundreds of domains expire on a daily basis. This should interest you especially if you are seeking to have yours registered. This happens when businesses or individuals decide not to renew. Others may forget. Some may even be newly registered domains. This is an opportunity you should seize instantly. Under such circumstances, you can purchase a domain at very low prices. Use the whois database to help you locate such domains that are expiring and already expired. The tools whois API provides enable you to do a quick search.

Another benefit accruing from a whois database is the diverse range of tools it offers. You can get data on top level domains for instance. Also called TLD, these are domains ranked highest in the Internet's hierarchy of Domain Names System. Examples of such domains are .uk, .biz, and others. Through reverse whois, you can use country code domains to creatively brand a business. Check through newly registered domains to get an idea of how this is done.

Get valuable information on newly registered domains. If your recently registered your domain name, the whois database can quickly give useful statistics such as download times, backlinks and related historical data. Through this you get to know how your site fares among competitors. This tool works pretty fast and displays information in a format that is easily understood.

How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   Domain Name Availability Search   

The Advantages Of Aged Domains

If you are building a site to rank high in Google then a possible short cut is to purchase an aged domain. This is just simply a domain that has been around for a while, but has then been dropped and made available. These are usually little more than a new registered domain but can save you months of hard work, giving you a foot up in your niche. Your can gain leverage with aged domains as Google gives more confidence in older sites, some can be purchased for little more that £3.

Older domains can give you a great foundation to build upon. If you register a new niche and go through the usual rigmarole of getting it indexed and ranked, it can take a long time to be noticed in by Google's algorithm.

You can speed up a lot of the processes like back linking and your PR with specific software, but you can't really fake a domain age. Google likes age for this reason because it's almost validation within itself. Not a lot of internet marketers are taking advantage of aged domains so now is the time to get into this before too many people are doing it.

It's an idea to check out aged domains if you are thinking of ranking more quickly, a lot of domain name registrars are now jumping on the band wagon and will give you access to advance aged domain searches, usually for a small extra price.

Thousands of domains are just left by the road side on a weekly basis. The register users just forgot about the site and, for some reason or another, just couldn't take the time out to regularly maintain a site registered to that domain name. To the internet marketer these aged domains are very profitable and provides a way to leverage you above your competition, it's a method highly under-used.

You can pick up these dropped domains for a bargain price and most hosts provide a way of obtaining them very easily. Needless to say these domains hold authority and with authority comes presence. You can use this to great effect in your niche. A lot of these domains will still have back links indexed and pointing to them, if this is the case then you can take a massive short cut when building up a site ranking in Google.

If you are optimising your site with specific keywords then it's always a good option to check for aged domains; you may find one within your target niche.

Here are a few quick pointers if your website is showing up anywhere in Google:

Your site might not be indexed Try to use social bookmarking to leverage your back link and getting indexed faster You may not have enough back links to your site Try some guest blogging and forum commenting to create a back link network to your site The competition may just be too high for the key phrases you are targeting Test your competition strength using Google AdWords. This is a free web tool that allows you to find keywords and check the strength and searches per month. How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   

How to Choose a Great Domain Name

Domain Name: What is this?

In very simple terms, a Domain Name is like a street address but for a website. If the address is not proper it is hard to be located. For example the Domain Name for Google is and the Domain Name for YouTube is The use of a domain name is to help a person get straight to the location and access a website.

Choosing an appropriate name:

It is very important to choose a domain name which is relevant to the kind of business or services being provided. Although this is a slightly mind boggling exercise, but it shows results if it is done right. A lot of thought should be put into create this name as this is what is going to reflect the website for the business. Hence it needs to satisfy the search made by the customer and the search engine which maybe a means of locating the site. It is nice to have a keyword in the domain name.

A good example would be of for a books store. Nowadays it's very hard to get a domain name. Sometimes even a combination of words in the domain name is a good way to beat this. It has to be unique.

A good domain name should feature the following:

a) It represents the business identity: A cleverly made domain name is relative and should be easy to remember with the associated business.

b) Helps to create external links: A good domain name attracts customers more and helps get a better ranking leading to more relevant traffic and potential buyers.

c) Should be able to play a significant role in a blog logo: A good domain name should be able to identify business identity and should be able to promote the brand.

d) It is good to have a short and snazzy name. Keeping it to fewer than 13 letters is ideal: This minimises the possibility of misspelling the address by the user and this helps in keeping the continuity of the brand.

e) The domain name should not be hyphenated. This could attract a penalty. Don't try duplication, it won't work. These kinds of names are easy to forget and sometimes may even lead the customer to a competitor's site if the hyphens are not used right. It also happens that if a site is recommended by word of mouth, generally the hyphens are left out.

Get a good name. It might become famous associated name. Good luck.

How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Domain Name Availability Search   

Search Available Domain Names

If you are going to start a website, you will find that the time will come when you need to search available domain names. The name that you choose for your website is almost as important as the content of the website itself, and you will need to search the many available domains to find out which are already owned by other websites and which are free. If a domain name is owned, it may be better just to search for another completely different domain name rather than choosing one that is very similar. This may end up causing your website traffic to end up at your competitor's website, and you want to avoid this at all costs. Choosing a unique domain name will ensure that your website receives as much traffic as possible, and here are some of the best places to look for good domain names:

Craigslist - Surprisingly, Craigslist has a number of domain names available for sale, and you may be able to find the exact name that you want for your website by searching the lists of online classified ads. This should be your last resort if you can't find another great domain name for your website.

The Warrior Forum - If you are looking for good choices of available domains, you may want to check out the pages of the Warrior Forum. You will find that it is one of the largest online marketing forums, and many of the members on the site develop and sell domains as their way of earning a living. You may actually be able to find a great name that you would never have thought of on your own by searching the forum pages.

Digital Points - Another popular online marketing forum is the Digital Points forum, and it is a hotspot for developed domains. You will be able to find a wealth of information on available or owned domain names on the website, and you may find that your desired domain name is already owned by someone else but there are other great domains for sale.

eBay - eBay really does sell everything, including domains. If the registrar doesn't have the name available, you may be able to find out which domains already have a website uploaded but are for sale. You may be able to find a page that is already receiving traffic, and this can give you a serious edge in making online sales.

GoDaddy - GoDaddy is by far one of the most popular destinations for those looking for domains online, and you will find that you can get a list of most of the online domains available just by checking this registrar. Your first stop should be GoDaddy when searching for the right domain name, and you can use the other websites as a backup if you can't find the information on the domain name that you want. You will be able to find not only whether or not your desired domain is taken, but whether the similar domains are also owned.

How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   Domain Name Availability Search   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   

Why You Must Register A Domain Name

When you want to start a new conventional business, you will normally need your own stall and warehouse to sell your products. Fortunately, you do not require a costly stall to start an online business. However, you will need to register a domain to build your online business. A domain name serves the same function as the warehouse and stalls in conventional business. So what benefits can a domain name bring to your online business?

What is a domain name? According to the definition in the dictionary, a domain name is a name that identifies a website or group of websites on the Internet. The owner of a particular domain has the control in the Internet. On the other words, owning a domain is just like having your own shop to run your business. You have the full authority to do whatever you want on your website such as selling your products, promoting an affiliate link and writing a blog. Therefore, if you do not have a domain, your activities will be restricted. For example, if you build a business online on a free blog service such as, you cannot promote your affiliate links because it will be considered as spam. So, registering a domain is compulsory to start an online business.

Why the domain name is important? First, a unique domain name helps your website to build credibility on the Web. There is a huge difference between setting up a business in the public location that you share with thousands of other stores and owning your own store. Of course, if you are going to run a website that is not to make a profit, owning a domain is not necessary. However, you will find your website is easier to be noticed by visitors if you register one.

In conventional business, location is always one of the most important issues needed to be considered seriously. Unlike traditional business, online marketing does not possess such a thing called "prime location" in which to set up a store or business. A good domain name can place your business on an equal footing with Microsoft regardless your business size. It does not matter if your site is administered by a large team out of elegant offices or by one person in a spare room.

Besides that, domain names are portable. It is just like a signboard that points to your site. If you want to look for a better deal or if the service you are currently using is unsatisfactory, you can change the web hosting services easily with small technical adjustments, then the domain name will point to your "new" site. The main point here is that none of your visitors' bookmarks will need to change. This advantage is exclusively for the people who own a domain name.

In addition, domain names can increase your promotion chances and visibility of your website on the Web. When you register a domain name, you can choose the common keywords in order to increase the ranking in search results by Google or others' major search engine. Without a domain, you may not be accepted by large web directories, which list or review websites. This is because most of these web directories deny the website that does not have its own domain.

Next, domain name is easier to be remembered. Because you create your own name, you can use a name that is easier to remember. For example, you are running a make money affiliate website, and then you may use the name to allow people to remember your website without bookmarking it. Furthermore, you definitely do not wish your website URL appears like this: instead of Register a domain can, therefore, make your website become more professional and reliable.

Lastly, registering a domain can also allow you to target certain niches. As an illustration, if your online business is targeting building muscle, then you may want to include generic keywords in your domain such as and

Conclusion After all, registering a domain is a mandatory task before you start your online business. There have no excuses to deny owning a domain name since it really brings a lot of benefits. Do not hesitate and do it now!

How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   

Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Domain Name

Choosing the right domain name

Choosing the right domain name for your website can be a difficult decision, as it is one of the most important decisions you will make when designing your website. The right domain name has the potential to increase traffic to your website and generate interest. The wrong domain name could leave your website with a disappointing lack of visitors.

To begin with, consider choosing a keyword relating to what purpose you intend your website to have. This is not necessary, but it may help towards attracting potential visitors to your sight. For example, if you have a website about carpentry, having the keyword 'carpentry' in your domain name will attract visitors to your website without the need of a strong, established brand (something like Google, for example).

Without a keyword, you will be required to put double the effort into selling the domain name and attracting visitors. The moment a potential visitor sees the name of your website, it helps that they can potentially guess what they will find if they enter your website. Potential visitors will be more likely to click your website on a search engine, for example. Remember-do not risk breaching copyright rules. It creates more hassle than its worth.

Furthermore, make the domain easy to type. There is nothing to gain in creating a domain name that is complicated to spell, and/or unnecessarily long. It simply creates frustrations and will discourage potential visitors from checking out your website. Remember to look up the rules if you are buying a country specific domain, although most domains ask for domains to use only Roman alphabets and numerals-and the hyphen, too. However, use numerals and the hyphen with caution-it limits the possibility for the website to be shared verbally and it makes the website harder to remember.

It is also possible, if you choose, to outright purchase a domain name that is already established or expiring.

Once you have chosen a domain name, be absolutely certain you are happy with it. Once you are, it is time to register it. A popular choice is to choose a hosting company who register the name for you once you have made a hosting account.

As stated, choosing the right domain name can be a difficult decision, and it is an important decision. Take your time in choosing the right domain name, and if successful, your website will attract a plethora of visitors.

How To Transfer a Domain Name?   How To Go About Registering A PRO Domain   What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?   How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   

New US Green Card Lottery Swindle

The US Green Card lottery which is an official program conducted by the US Congress, grants 50,000 diversity immigrant visas to people from various eligible countries around the world. Entrants of the Diversity Visa lottery program and the people who seek to immigrate to the United States through the DV lottery program are defrauded by many fraudsters.

Such fraudsters contact the people and say that they had won the Green Card lottery. Fraudsters catch people who had applied for the DV lottery, just by cold-calling. People who had entered the program and who are unaware of such scam at times believe those fraudsters and are found to become victims of telephone fraud.

Numerous people in the United States receive such calls from different phone numbers and the callers try to convince the people saying that they had won the Green Card lottery though the caller does not know whether the individual has applied for the DV lottery or not. Moreover such fraudsters require money for that and they also convince the people and make them pay for nothing. Tellows, which is a global community website against telephone scams, was developed to work against such harassment.

Tellows allows everyone to report scam and it helps the people who are victims of such fraud. Phone scam is not only restricted to the United States and it is an international matter. Many other websites similar to Tellows provide protection to the people. Fraudsters who are aware of such services, plan new methods to defraud people. They do all this only to earn money.

In order to recognize Green Card lottery scam, the applicants must be aware of this program which is conducted by the US government. The registration for the DV lottery program is free and the only way to enter this program is by filing an online application. Furthermore, the US government does not contact the winners through mails or e-mails.

The entrant can get to know whether he has won the lottery only through the entrant status check on the E-DV website. Fraudsters who contact the consumers ask them to pay for this service which is actually free and they also try to obtain their bank details. Spam e-mails with such content are being sent to the people and they also defraud the people through their fake websites that are designed similar to the government website.

Fraudsters just call the people and state that they had won the Green Card lottery and ask them to pay a certain amount of money for further details and ask the consumer's credit or debit card numbers. Tellows warns the people of such telephone scam and online methods are considered to be more effective against scam as the internet users may look up unknown numbers before they could make a payment.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   Immigration Law - What to Expect at Your USCIS Interview (Adjustment of Status/Green Card Cases)   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   

The Real Requirement of Immigration Attorneys

As the name implies, an immigration attorney is one whose specialty is immigration law and issues related to it. For the most part, these individuals prefer seeing their clients prior to immigrating to the US. The reason that consulting prior to the immigrant relocating is preferred is because the laws are extremely complex and there is a tremendous amount of bureaucratic red tape to deal with prior to the person immigrating. These attorneys will either be found working for international legal firms or have their own private practices.

What does an immigration attorney do?

The immigration attorney's primary responsibility is to provide legal counsel to the person who wants to become a citizen of the US by assisting them and their family members. By doing this, they can discuss key issues associated with immigration law and discuss their move to the country in order for it to go as efficiently and as stress-free as possible. Other issues that the attorney can assist them with include:

o applying for asylum o applying for residency permits or temporary residency permits o applying for student visas and work visas o assist with citizenship issues o international relocation of the person's business

Additionally, the immigration lawyer can assist the person when they have encountered a crisis of some nature and other difficulties arising during the process of immigration or citizenship. Finally, if the individual is applying for asylum, the immigration lawyer may work hand-in-hand with human rights attorneys.

Hiring an immigration attorney

For many individuals who are about to undergo the process of immigrating to the US and becoming a citizen, this could be the single most significant event in their lives. It can also be frustrating and somewhat intimidating without the help of an attorney to help guide them through the process. The complexity of immigration law is based in the fact that it complex, ever-changing, and very wide-ranging.

Hiring this type of lawyer is recommended in order to assist the person with this time-consuming process. Here are 5 suggestions for selecting an attorney:

o Decide which facet of the law you are going to need assistance with. o Search for an attorney through the AILA or American Immigration Lawyers Association website online. You can also use the internet to research an immigration attorney where their background, experience, and specialty is concerned. o Schedule consultation appointments with several of these attorneys (some may charge a small fee while others may not). o With the immigration lawyer's help, learn as much about the law and your own personal case as possible. Be sure to ask any questions you may have, no matter how insignificant or petty you might feel they are. o Retain the immigration lawyer that specifically addresses you and your family's personal needs.

If your gut tells you that the advice you are given does not seem right, consider getting a second opinion. By all means, you never want to follow any legal advice that is not given to you by an immigration attorney.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   In Plain English: What Did The United States Supreme Court Do In The Arizona Immigration Case?   Protect Your Green Card   

Which Government Office Will Be Managing Your Immigration Application?

US Department of State:

US embassies and consulates are located around the world. If you're originating from outside the US you will be primarily dealing with the US consulate. If you are currently in the United States you may have to travel to your home country and submit your application from there. (This often happens when you are illegally residing in the USA or you have over stayed your visa limit). However, not all consulates provide visa processing services. To find more details about the US consulate nearest to your home do a Google search for the words "US consulate" and your home country.

Note: you cannot normally ask for an immigrant visa in a US embassy or consulate outside your home country unless the USA has no diplomatic relationship with the government of your homeland. You can submit an application for non-immigrant visas in third countries so long as you have never over stayed your permitted time in the USA.

For Example: If you are from a country such as Iran or North Korea you can travel to another country and submit an application to come into the US from there.

National Visa Center:

The NVC is a private company under contract which handles case files during certain immediate areas of the green card application process. After the USCIS approves a visa petition by a US based family member or company, the NVC is given the file and handles the situation until it's time for them to forward the file to the appropriate US consulate or USCIS district office. 

US Citizenship and Immigration Services:

USCIS is an agency of the department of homeland security. If you are living outside the USA you might have to deal with USCIS, especially if you're applying for a green card. Most green card applications need to be started by a US based family member or company filing a visa petition with USCIS. USCIS has different types of offices that handle immigration applications including service centers and lock boxes (large processing facilities that serve a wide region, which you cannot visit face-to-face), district offices ( which interact with the general public by providing forms, information and holding interviews), sub offices ( like district offices, but smaller and with more limited services), Application Support Centers ( This is where you go to have fingerprints taken and in some cases pick up forms and or turn in applications) and lastly asylum offices ( where interviews on applications for political asylum are held).

The US Department of Labor:

In case your visa or green card application is based in a job with a US employer, certain parts of the paperwork may have to be filed with and ruled on by the DOL. The DOL's role is to make sure that hiring immigrant workers doesn't make it harder for US workers to get a job and that your being paid a fair wage (a wage that doesn't act to bring down the wages of US workers).

Even though you don't really need to learn a lot about these various agencies, it's important to monitor which one has your application as it makes its way through the pipeline.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   General Information on Shengen Tourist Visa   Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   

DV Lottery Case Numbers for Interviews

If you are a DV lottery applicant you may get to know whether you had won the lottery, through the entrant status check. That can be done by making use of the unique confirmation number, that you obtained when you filed an entry to take part in the Green Card lottery program. If you are a lucky winner, you will be able to view another page, followed by the page which states that you had won. The people who have not won the lottery will not be able to view other pages. Only the winners will get notification about further visa-processing. Information about the interview date can be obtained only through the entrant status check.

The KCC issues unique case numbers to each winner of the Green Card lottery. These case numbers may start from the number "1". The numbers usually start with the year and the specific region followed by the unique case number. Through the case number, the winner can get to know whether he will go for an interview and whether a visa will be available before the program ends. The DV-2013 applicants are required by the US Department of State to retain their confirmation numbers till October as more entries may be selected in the month of October. Once the applicants are selected, the interview dates will be provided to each winner. It is wise to prepare the required civil documents on getting to know that you had won, since your application processing may be delayed, if you do not have the required supporting documentation.

After the selection, the winners will be called for the immigrant visa interview according to the allotted numbers. The case number "1" will be called first, followed by the other numbers. The winners will be called for interviews until the program closes or until the visas exhaust. The program closes officially on September 30, every year. It has to be noted that the selected applicants who do not receive visas by the closing date of the program, will not derive any benefit from their DV-2013 registration.

The winners are recommended to check the visa bulletin published every month by the US government. The current numbers can be found in the visa bulletin. People who are already in the United States on some other status will also be provided numbers. They may contact the USCIS to adjust their status to immigrant status, once their numbers are current. The winners must quote the numbers whenever they contact the KCC regarding their visa processing. The numbers will be posted as current by the US Department of State on the visa bulletin, after they decide how many case numbers to call each month. Some regions get additional case numbers each month and some regions are allotted fewer numbers.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   Do We Allow Free-Speech In Another Country Of An Individual Applying for Citizenship Here?   Why It Is Important to Use an Attorney When Immigrating to the United States   Making an Application Under Skilled - Independent (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 175)   

Washington DC Mulls Special Treatment for Highly Qualified Migrants

According to certain reports pouring in from various sources, the US is planning to provide special permits to those people from abroad who graduate from the many universities of the US with STEM (Science, Technology, engineering or math) Degrees. In the meantime, some people claim that such a development may negatively impact the plans to expand the officially permitted movement of the overseas people to the country.

Reportedly, the Government of the US is busy making a law via which the US Green Cards could be offered to those people from abroad who have gained the STEM Degrees inside the territorial jurisdictions of the US. Hence, the latest item presently being made a part of the important list of House Republicans is proffering more US permits for the overseas tech graduates.

With a view to forwarding the scheme, many big names from the tech field--such as Microsoft, Oracle, & Qualcomm--attended a meeting recently. Since too long, many tech biggies have been requesting the US administration to work on the said matter. Talking about this, a tech lobbyist observed that it's the main concern for the tech society.

What in case the suggestion becomes an act!

The available data suggests that nearly 55,000 visa-applicants would manage to get the prized Green Cards of the US in a situation wherein the proposal becomes an act. Seemingly, a leading US immigration lawmaker would put forward the proposed law.

The said proposal will substitute the widely accepted scheme of the US diversity Visa Lottery-the reason being the same will offer a sizeable section of the US permits, via the visa lottery arrangements, to the out-of-the-country born graduates who possess Doctorate Degrees in the STEM even as all left over US permits would be given to those graduates who possess the Master's Degrees. The bill in question will necessitate the concerned US Department to have, on its administrative website, key details involving recruiters/firms giving sponsorship to the STEM graduates.

What annoys the detractors!

Available data suggests that House Democrats are strongly not in favor of the proposed bill with the reason being they do not support the removal of the Diversity Visa Program of the US. Many American Republicans are against the said program, as they claim that widespread fraud exists in the selection procedure (random) of the program. These Republicans also worry that such a system could enable many terrorists and anti-US people to gain admission into the country. However, some Republicans disclose that they do not support those Republicans who are apparently keen to boost legal immigration for those migrants they could be interested in.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   Immigration Law - What to Expect at Your USCIS Interview (Adjustment of Status/Green Card Cases)   55,000 Immigrant Visas for Foreign STEM Graduates   

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Presents Opportunity and Risk

On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration announced that it would implement a new program to grant deferred action to undocumented aliens who were brought to the United States at a young age. This action came about one year after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that it would concentrate its enforcement resources mostly on cases involving criminal issues. ICE published criteria that the agency would use to determine whether to exercise prosecutorial discretion to close cases already pending in immigration court. Together, these actions signaled a greater tolerance for aliens who were present in the United States in violation of immigration law, but who did not pose a danger to the public or to national security.

Two months after the Administration announced its deferred action program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA, it promulgated guidelines on how an undocumented alien could apply for the benefit. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) also published the criteria that it would use in deciding whether to grant deferred action. Through the guidelines, USCIS provided detailed instructions on the documentation necessary to apply, and explained how it planned to use the information submitted.

Deferred Action

Deferred action is itself simply a promise by the U.S. Government that, although an alien is present in the United States illegally, it would not seek the removal or deportation of that alien. It is an exercise of executive discretion. That is, as the chief law enforcement officer, the President has the authority to decide which cases get brought to immigration court for removal, and which cases will not. It is much like the discretion a police officer has in deciding whether or not to arrest a person even when the officer has seen that person break the law.

Executive Discretion

Above all, it must be remembered that deferred action is based on an act of executive discretion. It is not based on law. That means that it is not a grant of legal immigration status. It is not a path to permanent residency or citizenship. Under the law, a person who has been granted deferred action can be granted the authority to work in the United States. But, it is not a permanent solution to the problem of illegal status.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the DACA program, an undocumented alien must meet certain criteria. They are: (1) the alien must be under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012; (2) the alien must have been brought to the United States before his or her 16th birthday; (3) the alien must have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007 up to the present; (4) the alien must have been physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012; (5) the alien must have entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or had his or her lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012; (6) the alien must currently be in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; and (7) the alien must not have been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, and not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.

Application Process

To apply, the alien must submit an application on form I-821D, an application for work authorization on form I-765, a worksheet disclosing income and expenses to determine if work authorization is necessary on form I-765WS, and a filing fee of $465. As part of the process, the Government will take fingerprints and perform a background check.

Through its Frequently Asked Questions, USCIS promises that it will not turn over the information gathered through the application to ICE to begin removal proceedings, unless the application shows serious criminal activity, fraud or that the applicant poses a threat to national security.

Some Are Reluctant to Apply

Although the program promises significant benefits to those who qualify (a promise not to be deported, and possible work authorization), early reports have been that many aliens who meet the criteria are reluctant to apply. Many recognize that this is not a permanent solution to their situation, and are distrustful of the Administration's promises not to use the information for deportation.

Uncertain Future

Such concerns are indeed well-founded. As mentioned, deferred action is a grant of executive discretion. It is not law. Therefore, it creates no rights or privileges. Indeed, USCIS itself, on its Frequently Asked Questions page, states that it could change its promise not to use the information submitted for enforcement purposes at any time, and without prior warning.

Consideration must also be given to the fact that this is a presidential election year. Even if the Obama Administration is committed to the program, the race appears close. This could mean that the country will have a new president in January. The new president would not be bound to follow the policy choices of the Obama Administration with respect to the DACA program.

To that end, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has announced that he would not seek the deportation of undocumented aliens who have been granted deferred action under the DACA program. On the other hand, he would not continue with the DACA program in his administration.

This announcement creates somewhat of an incentive for undocumented aliens to apply for deferred action now. If the benefit is granted before President Obama leaves office, then they can hold Romney to his promise. But, if an undocumented alien waits, and Romney does become president, then that alien could lose this opportunity to obtain the promise of not being removed along with work authorization. Indeed, it has been reported that Romney's position on immigration issues has already prompted some undocumented aliens to apply for deferred action now.

This leaves many undocumented aliens with the decision of whether to apply for deferred action, or wait for some more permanent form of immigration reform. Whether to apply is a decision that should be made only after considering the risks and weighing the potential benefits.

Criminal Records Must be Given Careful Consideration

For example, those with criminal records should give very careful consideration before applying. USCIS has stated that those with a felony conviction, a conviction for a significant misdemeanor, or three convictions for any other misdemeanors will not qualify. The Frequently Asked Questions gives detailed guidance on what exactly constitutes a significant misdemeanor. If an alien applies, and has not given full consideration to his or her criminal record, then USCIS may very well refer that alien to ICE for removal proceedings.

Risks and Potential Benefits Should be Weighed Before Applying

In the end, the question will be whether the promise of the legal ability to accept employment in the United States outweighs the risks posed by calling attention to one's self and one's illegal immigration status. Such a determination is personal in nature, and ought to be made after seeking competent legal advice.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   General Information on Shengen Tourist Visa   Prohibited Activities on a Visitor's Visa   Finding The Right Immigration Attorney   

Economy Tops the List of Factors That Will Determine the Outcome of US Elections

The Democrats and the Republicans have been focusing on a variety of issues all these days, as the country is preparing for the presidential elections. Most of the Americans are much concerned about the deficit, taxes and about the economic growth. The issue that is more dominant is the fallen economy.

The US economic downfall has also resulted in high unemployment rates and it is considered to be a major issue. Similarly, the candidate who can win the foreign policy debate is more likely to win. However, there are few different issues that might decide the presidential election, this November.

The Economic Shortfall People may vote for the candidate who has plans to work on the economic growth of the country. The Democrats insist on spending cuts and they also have plans to increase the taxes. Similarly, the Republicans also want to do the same and they want to reform various entitlement programs. However, the presidential debate is hovering over taxes as there is a notion that an increase in taxes will reduce the deficit.

Taxes Another thing that is dominant is the taxes. Taxes must be increased to reduce the deficit or the country has to reduce the dollars that it spends on entitlement programs. Both the candidates have been focusing on the issue but the Republicans are focusing on spending cuts and do not want to increase the taxes. But it is not sure whether the government will be able to strengthen the economy by increasing taxes and by cutting spending.

Employment Unemployment rate in the United States is high. Reports state that a lot of US citizens are receiving unemployment benefits and many are still applying for benefits. The candidate who has plans to help out the unemployed is likely to win the votes of the Americans who are unemployed. The current unemployment rate is 8 percent but it is still more for the Hispanics and blacks.

Immigration Most of the foreign born American citizens are concerned about immigration. Reports state that there are around 30 million undocumented immigrants in the United States and the difficulties that they face while in the United States as undocumented immigrants affect the other immigrants in the country.

Most of these immigrants are found to work illegally for less wages and they are found to work as nannies, cleaners and laborers. President Obama supports the DREAM Act that is likely to help out such undocumented immigrants. This Act will also allow them to become citizens later on. But this Act has not been passed because of various reasons and lack of support from both the parties. There are many foreign born Americans in the country and their votes are more important. However, the candidate who has the best plan to deal with undocumented immigrants may be supported by the naturalized US citizens.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   General Information on Shengen Tourist Visa   

My Husband / Brother / Friend Has Been Taken by ICE - What Do I Do?

It can be a scary and harrowing experience to have a friend or relative taken by ICE right before your eyes. ICE has a habit of coming very early in the morning, sometimes four or five o'clock. They bang on the door, and then come in as soon as the door is opened. After taking the person they were looking for, they will then question everyone in the home, and demand identification.

It is hard to keep your head in a situation like this. Things seems to happen fast. Plus, ICE can be very intimidating. While looking for one particular person, they will often make it look like they are doing everyone else in the home a favor by not taking them in as well.

If you can keep your head, the thing to do is to collect information. Get the names of the ICE officers if possible. See if they will tell you why your relative is being hauled off. ICE may demand to take your relative's forms of identification. Try to write down passport numbers or alien identification numbers. See if the officers will tell where they are taking your relative.

After ICE leaves, you should still try to gather as much information as you can. If you have access to them, look through your relative's papers. Try to find immigration documents. The most important documents will be one that have identification numbers on them, like alien identification numbers or receipt numbers.

Once you have gathered as much information you can, contact an immigration attorney. You should be prepared, however, that things will not happen overnight. When ICE comes to pick someone up, there is usually some criminal conviction somewhere in that person's background. The conviction may be years old, and it may seem unfair to come down on your relative years after he served his sentence. Nonetheless, this is within ICE's legal authority.

If there is a criminal conviction in your relative's background, then there is a good possibility that your relative will be subject to mandatory detention. That is, for certain crimes, the law requires that the alien be placed in detention throughout any immigration proceedings. In these cases, there is no discretion to release the alien on bond.

The most important questions that an immigration lawyer will need to know are:

Is there an order of removal or deportation? What is the alien's criminal record? What is the alien identification number? Does the alien have any U.S. relatives? Would there be any bases of relief available to the alien?

To the extent that the lawyer can answer these questions, the lawyer may be able to devise a plan to assist the alien. For example, if there is an old order of removal, the lawyer will need to explore whether there is any basis for re-opening those removal proceedings, such as notice being sent to the wrong address. But even if the proceedings can be re-opened, the lawyer must have some basis for requesting it. It may be that the alien is married to a U.S. citizen and therefore may be able to apply for a visa and waiver of the criminal convictions. Or, it can be that the alien came from a country where his life may in danger if he were to return. Whatever the reason, the lawyer will face resistance to re-opening the proceedings, unless there is some ground to claim relief.

In the end, the lawyer may be the one who needs to do the research and find the information on the person detained. In order to do this, the lawyer will have to file an Entry of Appearance, of form G-28, with ICE. Without a form G-28, ICE will not give the lawyer any information. But, on the other hand, once the lawyer files the G-28, the lawyer will be on the hook as representing the detained person. For this reason, do not be surprised if a lawyer requires you to pay some fee or retainer just so he can file the G-28 and research your relative's case.

The key to this whole process is information. The more accurate information you can provide the lawyer, the better that lawyer's advice will be.

Deferred Adjudications Can Give Non-Citizen Defendants Immigration Trouble   An Immigration Attorney Offers Expert Advice   Information on Athlete and Entertainer Visas   General Information on Shengen Tourist Visa   How to Select a Good Immigration Attorney?   In Plain English: What Did The United States Supreme Court Do In The Arizona Immigration Case?   

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